
The Proton launcher, which has completed over 410 launches since 1965, was the European launch system Ariane’s biggest competitor on the commercial market. It was developed by Vladimir Tchelomei, who inherited the German missile V-1 in 1944, carried out naval missions, and then became the principal competitor of Sergei Korolev, the founder of the Soviet […]

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The Proton launcher, which has completed over 410 launches since 1965, was the European launch system Ariane’s biggest competitor on the commercial market. It was developed by Vladimir Tchelomei, who inherited the German missile V-1 in 1944, carried out naval missions, and then became the principal competitor of Sergei Korolev, the founder of the Soviet space program.

This book is divided into two parts: “The Proton in the East” which relates the history of the launcher in the USSR/Russia, and “The Proton in the West” which tells the history of the commercialization of the launcher in the West thanks to the American–Russian joint venture, the International Launch Services (ILS), founded in 1995. This book incorporates the latest information unveiled by Russia.

Part 1.The Proton in the East
1. Vladimir Chelomey: From the V1 to Proton.
2. Chelomey’s Subsidiaries.
3. Intercontinental Missiles, Booster Rockets and Satellites.
4.Versions of the UR-500.
5. TheUses of the Proton.

Part 2.The Proton in the West
6. Saturn’s Rival.
7. Commercial Prehistory.
8. Friends or Foes.
9. The Transatlantic Alliance.
10. Standing the Test of the Market.

Christian Lardier

Christian Lardier, journaliste et historien de l’espace, a été chef de la rubrique Espace d’Air & Cosmos pendant 18 ans. Il est président de l’IFHE, académicien de l’IAA, membre émérite de l’AAAF et membre d’honneur de l’Académie de cosmonautique RAKTs.

Stefan Barensky

Stefan Barensky, journaliste spatial depuis 26 ans, a été consultant chez Euroconsult et auprès de l’industrie, puis chef de la rubrique Espace d’Air & Cosmos pendant trois ans avant de fonder le magazine Aerospatium dont il est le rédacteur en chef depuis 2015.