
The books brought together in the “Seas and Oceans” Set make up a multi-disciplinary and systemic approach to the complexity, vulnerability, productivity and exploitation of the marine environment that is today faced with global change. This set of books does not simply describe and analyze the mechanisms that act on how these environments work, but […]

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The books brought together in the “Seas and Oceans” Set make up a multi-disciplinary and systemic approach to the complexity, vulnerability, productivity and exploitation of the marine environment that is today faced with global change. This set of books does not simply describe and analyze the mechanisms that act on how these environments work, but it also presents a cross-disciplinary approach, leading to the governance, sustainable management of resources and adaptation of our societies to change.
This book covers the hydrological and geochemical exchanges that maintain a natural land–sea system. The intensification of human pressures on this interface increasingly leads to physical and chemical disequilibria (radioactive pollution, plastic waste) and ecological malfunctions (eutrophication) which, along with climate change, are major components of global change.

1. Continent–Sea Interface: A Hydrogeological Continuum, Nathalie Dörfliger, Bertrand Aunay and Perrine Fleury. 2. Chemical Elements and Isotopes, Tracers of Land–Sea Exchanges, Catherine Jeandel, Pieter Van Beek and François Lacan. 3. Eutrophication of the Marine Environment, Alain Ménesguen. 4. Pollution by Marine Debris, François Galgani. 5. Radioactivity of Anthropic Origin in the Marine Environment, Sabine Charmasson, Pascal Bailly Du Bois, Hervé Thébault, Dominique Boust and Bruno Fiévet.

André Monaco

Docteur ès sciences en sédimentologie et géochimie marines, André Monaco est également directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS. Il a obtenu le premier prix de la culture scientifique du MEN en 1999.