
Information warfare has been an issue at the heart of the debate about the revolution in military matters since the 1980s. Although this concept appears to be used less than it once was, it is by no means obsolete. This book introduces the concept of “information warfare”, covering its evolution over the last decade. In […]

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Information warfare has been an issue at the heart of the debate about the revolution in military matters since the 1980s. Although this concept appears to be used less than it once was, it is by no means obsolete.
This book introduces the concept of “information warfare”, covering its evolution over the last decade. In this second edition, the author chooses to focus on three states: the USA, China and Russia, and offers a detailed analysis of the evolution of the theories, concepts and doctrines employed in those countries.
As a modest contribution to the strategic study of modern conflict, the book asks the following questions: do the terms “information warfare”, “information operations” and “cyberoperations” all denote the same reality? Do states perceive and talk about the same threats today as they did 20 years ago? Do the actors, principles and logics of information warfare still remain the same?

1. The United States. 2. China. 3. Russia. 4. Concepts and Theories: Discussions.

Daniel Ventre

Docteur en sciences politiques et ingénieur de recherche au CNRS, Daniel Ventre est chercheur au CESDIP au sein de l’Université Paris- Saclay. Ses recherches portent sur la cybersécurité, la cybercriminalité et la cyberdéfense.