
Cyberdefense has become a major issue in the international arena over the past 5 years. Due to its current position, China has been the object of much attention: it is observed, criticized, and illustrated by many countries as one of the main proponents of cyber-insecurity in the world. The USA build their cyberdefense strategy according […]

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Cyberdefense has become a major issue in the international arena over the past 5 years. Due to its current position, China has been the object of much attention: it is observed, criticized, and illustrated by many countries as one of the main proponents of cyber-insecurity in the world. The USA build their cyberdefense strategy according to what they call “The Chinese Threat”. It is thus essential today to better understand the issues linked to the cyber dimension of China’s increase in power.
Contributions from international researchers offer differing perspectives on China, its cybersecurity and cyberdefense strategies and policies. These questions have today acquired a major strategic dimension: is cyberspace in the process of modifying the arena of international relations? How does China understand cybersecurity and cyberdefense? What are the issues and challenges for them? What is China’s place in the global cyberspace?
All these topics are covered by the authors of this book.

1. China’s Internet Development and Cybersecurity – Policies and Practices, Xu Longdi. 2. PLA Views on Informationized Warfare, Information Warfare and Information Operations, Dean Cheng. 3. China’s Adaptive Internet Management Strategy after the Emergence of Social Networks, Alice Ekman. 4. India’s Cybersecurity – The Landscape, Cherian Samuel. 5. China and Southeast Asia: Offline Information Penetration and Suspicions of Online Hacking – Strategic Implications from a Singaporean Perspective, Alan Chong. 6. Impact of Mongolia’s Choices in International Politics on Cybersecurity, Daniel Ventre. 7. China-Iran-Russia – A Cybercommunity of Information?, Thomas Flichy De La Neuville. 8. Discourse Regarding China: Cyberspace and Cybersecurity, Daniel Ventre.

Daniel Ventre

Docteur en sciences politiques et ingénieur de recherche au CNRS, Daniel Ventre est chercheur au CESDIP au sein de l’Université Paris- Saclay. Ses recherches portent sur la cybersécurité, la cybercriminalité et la cyberdéfense.