
Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In numerical simulations, the functional spaces of approximation used to search for solutions are defined from meshes, and in this sense these meshes play […]

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Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In numerical simulations, the functional spaces of approximation used to search for solutions are defined from meshes, and in this sense these meshes play a fundamental role. This strong link between the meshes and functional spaces leads us to consider advanced simulation methods in which the meshes are adapted to the behaviors of the underlying physical phenomena. This book presents the basic elements of this meshing vision.

These mesh adaptations are generally governed by a posteriori error estimators representing an increase of the error with respect to a size or metric. Independently of this metric of calculation, compliance with a geometry can also be calculated using a so-called geometric metric. The notion of mesh thus finds its meaning in the metric of its elements.

1. Finite Elements and Shape Functions.
2. Lagrange and Bézier Interpolants.
3. Geometric Elements and Geometric Validity.
4. Triangulation.
5. Delaunay Triangulation.
6. Triangulation and Constraints.
7. Geometric Modeling: Methods.
8. Geometric Modeling: Examples.
9. A Few Basic Algorithms and Formulae.

Houman Borouchaki

Houman Borouchaki, professeur à l’Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), est un expert sur les problématiques de maillage.

Paul Louis George

Paul Louis George est directeur de recherche émérite à l’Inria. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le maillage.