
This book discusses the key concepts that underpin the drive towards global sustainability in today’s complex world. Based around the notion of transformative research, the authors propose novel social, economic and political concepts to favor new paradigms in the natural sciences, engineering and education. They argue for integrating interdisciplinarity, evolution and optimization principles, with sustainability, […]

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This book discusses the key concepts that underpin the drive towards global sustainability in today’s complex world.
Based around the notion of transformative research, the authors propose novel social, economic and political concepts to favor new paradigms in the natural sciences, engineering and education. They argue for integrating interdisciplinarity, evolution and optimization principles, with sustainability, into our way of living.
The issues are tackled in three parts.
Part 1 presents models based on natural cycles of diversity and balance. The authors propose resilience and sustainability as the two pillars of innovation for the global population, but also for future generations.
Part 2 redesigns the notion of “competitiveness” and confronts the confusion that sometimes leads to competitiveness often being reduced to profitability.
Part 3 introduces mechanisms and approaches to apply the sustainability models in a worldwide cooperative context.
As such, this book presents a method to formalize economic and social sustainability as a single unified approach to modern living.

1. Disassembling Some Traditional Views. 2. Is Globalization, or Holism, Really a New Phenomenon? 3. Underlying Disturbing Processes: Asymmetries, Coriolis and Chirality. 4. Time and Space Revisited in the Context of Complex Systems. 5. The Entropy of Systems. 6. A Continuous Survival of Species? Crisis and Consciousness Productions. 7. Aging and Survival: Application to Human Beings, Eusociality and an Inclusive Society. 8. Evolution of Life Principles: Application to a Corporate Population. 9. Technology Totalitarianism in Society, Change Management and Governance Concerns. 10. Principles and Practical Mechanisms of Self-Organization: in a Worldwide Cooperative Context. 11. Complex Systems Appraisal: Sustainability and Entropy in a worldwide Cooperative Context. 12. Telepathy and Telesympathy.

Pierre Massotte

Pierre Massotte est professeur émérite. Il a été directeur de l’intelligence artificielle au sein d’IBM-MFG-EMEA puis directeur adjoint du laboratoire de Nîmes à l’école des Mines d’Alès. Il se consacre actuellement aux concepts de société inclusive et de soutenabilité dans les systèmes complexes. Ancien président de Cave Coopérative, il s’occupe en parallèle du développement de sa propriété viticole.