
Spatio-temporal Approaches presents a constructed set of concepts, methods and approaches to represent and understand the evolution of social and environmental phenomena within space. It relies on applications concerning not only human geography, but also environmental geography and archeology (which enables us to explore questions regarding various temporalities) in order to test the genericity of […]

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Spatio-temporal Approaches presents a constructed set of concepts, methods and approaches to represent and understand the evolution of social and environmental phenomena within space. It relies on applications concerning not only human geography, but also environmental geography and archeology (which enables us to explore questions regarding various temporalities) in order to test the genericity of the proposed approaches, and also tackles social and environmental phenomena.
Chapter 1 is devoted to the design and construction of objects, attributes, relationships and processes that are associated with the problems raised.
Chapter 2 is dedicated to the often delicate transition between the thematic questions formulated by the researcher or practitioner, the adequate methods to answer them and the observable entities available.
Chapters 3 and 4 address the practices developed to present and understand the change of spatial systems, both at the level of the elementary entities that constitute them and at that of the systems-entities themselves.

1. Building Objects in Time.
2. From Empirical Questioning to Spatio-Temporal Modeling.
3. Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Data: Empirical and Statistical Approaches.
4. Exploring the Underlying Processes of Change: Simulation Models.

Hélène Mathian

Hélène Mathian est ingénieure CNRS en méthodes d’analyse spatiale à l’UMR Environnement Ville Société. Ses travaux intègrent la dimension spatiale dans les traitements et modèles statistiques, et la géovisualisation comme élément d’exploration des données géographiques et des dynamiques spatiales.

Elle fait partie de l’équipe de pilotage du master Géographies Numériques des Universités Lyon 2 et Saint-Etienne.

Lena Sanders

Directrice de recherche au CNRS et membre de l’UMR Géographie-cités (Paris), Lena Sanders est spécialisée dans la modélisation de la dynamique des systèmes spatiaux et dans le transfert de concepts entre disciplines.